Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Summary & Close Reading of Paulo Freires Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Summary & Close Reading of Paulo Freires - Essay Example In Pedagogy of the oppressed, Paulo Freire uses a combination of political, educational and philosophical theories in order to address the real source of oppression as well as liberation for the oppressed. He advocates for the awakening of critical and creative thinking as the only medium of liberation which takes place through a new and a more dynamic approach to education. This new approach to education focuses on a close partnership between the teacher and the student by seeking to empower the student to be involved in a dialogue process and adoption of human qualities evident in the thought process and its correlative action. The book begins by introducing the idea of developing critical awareness among the oppressed people in the society. The oppressed normally have the fear of freedom which increases the chances of then being oppressed. According to Paulo Freire, those who are under oppression must strive to see the bigger picture outside them so that they develop an understanding of their situation in order to begin thinking about their own world. Such a process can only be attained through dialogue in education in which one has to adopt change as the only tool for transformation. The only way towards reclaiming humanity is by critical consciousness which leads to synthesis of thought and actions. As a result only those who are being oppressed have got the power to save themselves from such kind of oppression and the only approach is through critical analysis as well as understanding of reality that guides them to action. The term, â€Å"banking education†has been adopted by Freire to refer to the traditional relationship between the teacher and the student owing to its oppressive nature. In such a case, the teacher possesses control thus playing the role of the oppressor while the student who is always passive in the learning process assumes the position of the oppressed. The role of the teacher is to deposit information into the student who
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Theological Themes In The Chronicles Of Narnia Religion Essay
Theological Themes In The Chronicles Of Narnia Religion Essay Four siblings, Peter, Edmund, Susan and Lucy, were evacuated from World War2 to Professor Digorys country house. There was a huge wardrobe in one room of his house. The adventure began when four siblings pass through the door of a mysterious wardrobe into Narnia held captive for a hundred years under the spell of the White Witch. Lucy was the first to enter Narnia. When she returned the others do not believe her story of Narnia. But Edmund entered Narnia too. Finally, however, all four siblings passed through the magical land. Three of siblings joined forces with talking animals who are faithful to Aslan(Turkish for lion) [1] , the king of beast, creator of Narnia. Edmund, however, turned betrayer and went over to the White Witchs castle. Aslan paid the terrible cost of Edmunds betrayal by sacrificing his life to save the Edmunds life. With Aslans sacrificed on the Stone Table, the power of magic was broken. Narnia was freed since Aslans resurrection. The creatures that the Whi te Witch had turned to stone were freed by Aslan. The four siblings spent several years in Narnia, growing up into young adults and reigning as kings and queens during Narnias Golden Age. Eventually the four siblings returned to their own world. The Theological Themes The Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe- is well known book in the world. The Author C. S. Lewis tells several theological themes through this book. This essay will discuss the theological themes of The Chronicles of Narnia. First of themes is the temptation. When the White Witch met Edmund, she tempted Edmund with Turkish delight. It was so delicious for him so he wanted some more. She asked for him, Son of Adam, I should so much like to see your brother and your sisters. Will you bring them to me? [2] When Edmund had Turkish delight, also he had greed. He tried to bring his family and revealed the plan that Aslan is gathering army. Because he wanted get some more Turkish delight and also wanted to be a prince. Thats results, he was trapped into the prison and Aslan was died. The bible says, Each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full grown, gives birth to death (James 1 : 14-15). One of the problems with sin is addictive. [3] It separates us from God. So, how can we overcome temptation? The bible says, Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:7). Second of themes is the spiritual gifts. Father Christmas brought gifts for each of siblings. Peter got the sword and shield. Susan got the bow and quiver of arrow. And Lucy got a diamond bottle of healing cordial and a dagger. [4] These gifts are tools that will help them fulfill their calling and face the challenges. [5] Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to each one of us. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good (1 Corinthians 12:7). All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines (1 Corinthians 12:11). Each one of Christians have own special spiritual gifts from God. The last of themes are suffering and resurrection. Aslan is a redeemer. Jesus suffered and died on the cross for our sins. The results, we were freed from sins by his the redemption. Moreover, he resurrected from the death and fulfilled the covenant. Aslan is very similar as Jesus. First, he died on the Stone table for Edmund who betrayed him. Secondly, he resurrected from the death and he set free those the White Witch has held captive and turned to stone. [6] The last one is that the Bible tells us, He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth. When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed (1 Peter 2:22-24). In conclusion, there are several theological themes in the Chronicle of Narnia. However, this is not a bible story but fantasy story that based on the authors theological faith. I received impression through the author. Because, every Christian have faith but they dont express their faith. However, C. S. Lewis expressed his faith through his gift from God that is writing. The more application of gifts is, the better gifts will have.
Friday, October 25, 2019
A Different Perspective of Heathcliff Essay -- Character Analysis, Hea
What is a traditional hero? In many works of literature, the author portrays a character that is faced with many difficult obstacles, in which the character often prevails and becomes a hero. The challenges, which the character undergoes, allows the reader to appreciate the character due to their bravery, courage, and their willingness to sacrifice. In Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontà «, many readers are able to view Heathcliff as a hero, but how? Heathcliff is not a traditional hero. In fact, the term Byronic hero, would fit Heathcliff’s description in every aspect. Now, what are the characteristics of a Byronic hero? In order to be classified as a Byronic hero, the character needs to display: a high level of intelligence, a troubled past, emotional conflicts, a disliking of social restraints or rules, the status of a social outcast, dark attributes, a taste for vengeance, but most importantly, with all of the negative attributes, the character has the ability to show strong affection for another. These traits are the outline to the plot of Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff resides in the country of Yorkshire, where his estate, Wuthering Heights, is â€Å"completely removed from the stir of society†(Brontà «, 1). Heathcliff enjoys solitude and â€Å"guests are so exceedingly rare in this house†(6), and becomes irritated when guests do visit, wishing â€Å"no repetition of my intrusion†(7). Heathcliff acquires the dark attributes in the novel as if â€Å"a ray fell on his features†(101), stating at the beginning, Heathcliff came from a poverty-stricken country of Liverpool as a â€Å"wicked boy†(53) with â€Å"black eyes†(1), â€Å"black hair†(38), and being â€Å"dirty†(38). With Heathcliff coming from a different nationality, his childhood was uneasy. Hindley, Heathcliff... ...everyone was meaningless, â€Å"I have lost the faculty of enjoying their destruction†(355), and the only thing that will ever bring himself happiness, is to be with his love, Catherine. Many readers view Heathcliff’s actions as absurd, inappropriate, and outrageous. Readers feel Heathcliff hasâ€Å"†¦come from the devil†(38) due to his actions. On the other hand, some readers feel sympathy for Heathcliff and understand that a rough childhood and the loss of his true love to another man justifies his actions. Heathcliff holds all the traits of a Byronic hero: the dark characteristics, a taste for vengeance, emotional conflicts, but with all the flaws, Heathcliff is still capable of being passionate and the ability to show strong affection for Catherine. Heathcliff is no ordinary traditional hero, but in Lord Byron’s eyes, he is the perfect example of a Byronic Hero.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Richardson Family Murder Case
For this project I wanted to do a Canadian case that for a lot of people speaks close to home including me because it happened in Alberta. I choose the Richardson family murder case because this murder occurred in Medicine Hat Alberta and they used the Youth Criminal Justice Act for sentencing 12 year old J.R. In 2006 Medicine Hat Alberta, the parents of J.R and 8 year old brother are found stabbed to death in their house. When Investigators begin to look around the house for clues they notice that their is a 12 year old girl in a family photo and her body is nowhere to be found. They believed that the girl was kidnapped by the killer and began the search to look for the young teen. Investigators of the case began to search places that would be relevant to the young girl like her school and searched her locker and found a stick drawing of the girls house on fire with her family in it and her running to her boyfriends truck. She then became the main suspect in this case and investigators began to look for her and her boyfriend. Why did this happen and what happened to make these awful events occur you may ask? Teachers described J.R as a good Catholic school girl before she started to be interested into the more darker things and became a goth. While her other goth friends would follow the Catholic schools dress codes J.R would constantly be breaking the dress codes and rebelling against her school. During this time she fell for a unemployed high school dropout named Jeremy Steinke who was 23. According to his friends he said he believed he was a 300 year old werewolf and carried a vile of blood around his neck. One of the most disturbing things about their relationship was that it was a sexually active relationship which is was illegal because the age of consent in alberta at the time for her age was that she could be sexually active but only if her partner was two years older. Many people were afraid of J.R including her other goth friends, this made her feel powerful and she liked the idea of scaring people. Her world revolved around her boyfriend and their relationship was kept secret for a while but eventually her family found out and her parents were furious. Once their relationship was revealed to her parents she was banned to see him and this was their mistake and would ultimately lead to there deaths. This is when J.R and her boyfriend started to plan the murders of her family. Jeremy snuck into the basement of the Richardson family home and waited to attack. In the middle of the night J.R's mother hears something in the basement and goes downstair to see what it is and this is when Jeremy attacks her stabbing her multiple times. After hearing screaming from the basement J.R's father runs downstairs to the basement and this is when he also is attacked by Jeremy. Meanwhile upstair J.R holds her scared little brother when her boyfriend comes upstairs from murdering her parents and murders her little brother so he won't have to live without parents. Freedom for these two killers after the crime was very short and they were caught no less the 24 hours after the horrific murders. Since Jeremy Steinke is a adult he was tried as an adult and was sentenced to life in prison meanwhile since J.R was a minor she was put under the Y.C.J.A and was given the longest juvenile sentence which was 10 year. Many people were angry about her sentencing and felt that she deserved to serve a longer sentence but since she was a minor thats the longest she could stay in prison and she is currently out of prison under a different name and in therapy for her past actions. The now 24 year old is out of prison living a normal life and is currently attending Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta. I feel the legal decision in this case was done very well and I agree with the outcome of this case. I do believe that Jeremy Steinke's sentencing was fair because he was the adult in this case meanwhile since J.R was 12 at the time and was affected by her boyfriend I believe it was good that she got a second chance. In conclusion this crime was horrific and I feel very sorry for the family and friends of the victims involved. This case is a good example of mensa rea because they had the intention to kill and commit this wrongful act. I think this case is a good example of both adult sentencing and young offender sentencing just because we get to see both being used in one case. Resources cade-after-as-a-12yearold-she-and-werewolf-boyfriend-massacred-her-family/news-stor /f826a2b4efb359bd02b53c4066234bae
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Creativity, Critical Thinking and Change Essay
1.1. Throughout this century, a famous painting entitled The Man with the Golden Helmet was believed to be the work of the Dutch master Rembrandt. Some years ago it was proved to have been painted by someone else. Some people would say that the truth about this painting changed. Do you agree? Explain. The book tells us that truth is the accurate representation of objective reality, and that our assumptions, and wishes do not affect the reality of the facts. With that being said; I would say yes the truth about the painting changed. Since there is hard evidence that proves it was not the work of Rembrandt then, the truth has changed. 1.2. Examine each of the following cases in light of what you’ve learned about truth in this chapter. State your view and explain why you hold it. a. Ira is a journalist. Will the belief that he can create his own truth make him more or less likely to value accuracy in his reporting? If Will believes he can make his own truth it will make him less likely to value accuracy in his reporting. The news is one thing and opinions are another. By creating his own truth he is interjecting his opinions, and ignoring the facts of the news. b. Bruce is prejudiced against minorities and women. Which of the following beliefs would be more helpful in overcoming his prejudice; the belief that truth is subjective and created; or the belief that truth is objective and discovered? Explain your reasoning. I would say that belief that truth is objective and discovered would help Bruce in overcoming his prejudice in minorities and women. This way of thinking about truth relies on facts, and historical truth; where Bruce could look back at history and find instances where women and minorities have excelled. If Bruce continues to believe that he can create his own truth, it is likely he will continue to not look at the facts and continue to judge people based on race and gender. c. Most students can use additional motivation to learn. Will the belief that they can create their own truth help or hinder their motivation? Explain. The book tells us that this belief can stifle success because it leads one to believe that just the belief – not talent or hard work will guarantee success. This will hinder motivation because belief in oneself is just part of the equation for success. If they believe that truth is discovered this will help motivate them to study hard and be successful. 1.3. Classify each of the following exchanges as (a) an actual contradiction or (b) a near contradiction. Briefly explain each choice. MAVIS: Big time college sports are corrupt. Near contradiction. The statement can be both true and false in the same way at the same time. Not all big time college sports or corrupt, but some are. CORA: You’re absolutely wrong, Mavis.  Actual contradiction. The statement cannot be true and false in the same way at the same time. Mavis is wrong or right. KAREN: There are very few real heroes today.  Near contradiction. This is an opinion so it can both be true and false in the same way at the same time. HANNA: I think there are more today than there have ever been. Actual contradiction. This statement cannot be true and false in the same way at the same time. BRAD: Look at that new Lincoln across the street. Actual contradiction. This statement cannot be true and false in the same way at the same time. CLARA: That isn’t a Lincoln – it’s a Mercury.  Actual contradiction. This statement cannot be true and false in the same way at the same time.
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